
IMC USA Code of Ethics
All IMC USA members pledge in writing to abide by the Institute's Code of Ethics. Their adherence to the Code signifies voluntary assumption of self-discipline above and beyond the requirements of law. Key provisions of the Code specify that IMC members will:
- Render impartial, independent advice
- Develop realistic and practical solutions to client problems.
- Accept only those client engagements they are qualified to perform.
- Safeguard confidential information
- Agree with the client in advance on the basis for professional charges.
A Certified Management Consultant (CMC®) is a member of the IMC USA that displays the highest level of professionalism, proficiency, and ethical conduct, as demonstrated by their completing written examinations on the practice of management consulting, and on the IMC USA's Code of Ethics, and by being examined by a board of CMCs. Less than 1% of all management consultants have received this prestigious mark.
The Institute enforces the Code by receiving and investigating complaints of violations and by taking disciplinary action, including revocation of certification against any member who is found guilty of Code violation.
- Members will serve their clients with integrity, competence, and objectivity, using a professional approach at all times, and placing the best interests of the client above all others.
- Members will establish realistic expectations of the benefits and results of their services.
- Members will treat all client information that is not public knowledge as confidential, will prevent it from access by unauthorized people, and will not take advantage of proprietary or privileged information, either for use by them, their firm or another client, without the clients permission.
- Members will avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such, and will disclose to a client any circumstances or interests that might influence their judgment and objectivity.
- Members will refrain from inviting an employee of an active or inactive client to consider alternative employment without prior discussion with the client.
- Members will only accept assignments which they possess the expertise to perform, and will only assign staff with the requisite expertise.
- Members will ensure that before accepting any engagement, a mutual understanding of the objectives, scope, work plan, and fee arrangements has been established.
- Members will offer to withdraw from a consulting engagement when their objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
- Members will agree in advance with a client on the basis for fees and expenses, and will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable, legitimate and commensurate with the services delivered and the responsibility accepted.
- Members will disclose to their clients in advance any fees or commissions that they receive for equipment, supplies or services they could recommend to their clients.
- Members will respect the individual and corporate rights of clients and consulting colleagues, and will not use proprietary information or methodologies without permission.
- Members will represent the profession with integrity and professionalism in their relations with their clients, colleagues and the general public.
- Members will report violations of this Code to the Institute, and will ensure that other consultants working on behalf of the member abide by this Code.
